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Adolescent Mental Health: Cause For Attention Towards A Healthier Tomorrow

Maria Fatima Gomes

Adolescence is an age of opportunity, a pivotal time during which parents and guardians should build on the development of young people and help them navigate risks, and set them on the path of fulfilling their potential. Mental health problems account for a large proportion of the disease burden among young people worldwide, and must be given due attention, given their impact on students’ academic achievement and future career. These problems, if left untreated, can result in negative outcomes that carry high social and financial costs, and often develop into more disabling situations later in life. The stigma attached to…

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Adolescence is an age of opportunity, a pivotal time during which parents and guardians should build on the development of young people and help them navigate risks, and set them on the path of fulfilling their potential. Mental health problems account for a large proportion of the disease burden among young people worldwide, and must be given due attention, given their impact on students’ academic achievement and future career. These problems, if left untreated, can result in negative outcomes that carry high social and financial costs, and often develop into more disabling situations later in life. The stigma attached to adolescents with mental disorders amplify these adverse consequences, thus making mental health problems in young people a major public health challenge worldwide. This volume attempts to deepen our understanding of the mental health concerns of adolescents and issues that warrant special attention, and will be of great interest to young adolescents, educators, professionals working in the area of mental health as well as to counsellors in educational institutions and parents of adolescents. The contributors present ideas and thoughts on a diverse range of issues pertaining to adolescent mental health, that include: • The relationship between optimism, self-esteem and depression • The coping factors of adolescence • Adolescent well-being and the role of school • The causes and prevention of substance abuse • The effect of a patriarchy culture • Neuroticism, stress, chronotype, exercise and premenstrual syndrome • The effect of music intervention About the Author Maria Fatima Gomes is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at M.E.S College of Arts and Commerce, Zuarinagar, Goa and a Certified Therapist and Trainer in Interpersonal Psychotherapy. She earlier worked as an Intervention Facilitator and supervisor for health counselors in Sangath, a community based NGO in Goa. Contributors: Eulalia Fernandes • Harsha Kirve • Gouri Bargi • Neha Kshirsagar • Sakshee Joshi • Pushkarna Megha • V. Veeraraghavan • Vijay Viegas • Joslyn Henriques • Mukta Dhavalikar • Sanjay Kadam • Panchal Laxmi • Medha Shidore • Megha Deuskar • Vishal Ghule • Sheetal Ruikar 136p/Paperback/5.83 x 8.27


Maria Fatima Gomes


CinnamonTeal Publishing





Year of Publication

