The curtain rises on Castle Xavier at Navarre in Spain, as Francis an ambitious youth duels with his brother to acquire the skill to defend the honour of his family. He is swayed from his purpose by the Voice of Christ who invites him to go to Paris. The scholastic youth dreams of Parisian grandeur, when Voice of Christ disturbs him calling him to join Loyola. The youth is torn between the disturbing Voice of Christ and his personal Ego, which suggests that Paris is the ultimate in life. Following the Voice of Christ he lands in a hole in Rome, where the youth’s Ego weaves higher dreams as a Secretary to Loyola. The Voice of Christ again demands the sacrifice in the form of a new mission to the East. Across the seas the tussle between Ego and Voice of Christ does not cease till Francis finds himself on the lonely Island of Sancian. The curtain comes down as the Saint lies dying denied of his dream to reach China, in the company of his only follower Anthony at hand. The last scene where Francis, Ego, Voice of Christ and Anthony interact ends on a very emotional note as Francis dies a lonely death. An Indian drummer cum narrator dressed in traditional outfit interacts with the audience as he guides the play through Francis’ pilgrimage from West to East. Buy Paperback
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Inner Duel – A Play on the life of St. Francis Xavier
The curtain rises on Castle Xavier at Navarre in Spain, as Francis an ambitious youth duels with his brother to acquire the skill to defend the honour of his family. He is swayed from his purpose by the Voice of Christ who invites him to go to Paris. The scholastic youth dreams of Parisian grandeur, when Voice of Christ disturbs him calling him to join Loyola. The youth is torn between the disturbing Voice of Christ and his personal Ego, which suggests that Paris is the ultimate in life.
Author | Carmo D'Souza |
Publisher | CinnamonTeal Publishing |
ISBN | 9789383175055 |
Pages | |
Year of Publication | 2013 |
Series |