Throughout this incredible journey into imagination, my inner man guided, inspired, loved, adored and lastly forced me to complete this literary work. A life of pure passion explores the language of emotions Sometimes it was born from an illusion Sometimes thoughts flow with a rhythmic motion Sometimes with or without reason Influenced by every season Never anything could fade its beauty never could age impede its flow its triumphant glory shines from eternity from hearts yet emanate its mystifying glow 200p/Paperback/5×8″”
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Poetic Reveries
Throughout this incredible journey into imagination, my inner man guided, inspired, loved, adored and lastly forced me to complete this literary work.
Author | Dipti Prasad Padhi |
Publisher | CinnamonTeal Publishing |
ISBN | 9788190585842 |
Pages | |
Year of Publication | 2008 |
Series |