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CinnamonTeal Classics is about bringing back to life & making the good books accessible once again.

All those good old classics – those that seem to have disappeared from the shelves – can be read once more. Each copy made especially for you, personalized to gift someone if you so wish.

There will be five cover designs to choose from and each book can be ordered simply by emailing us. The books will be delivered to your doorstep, gift wrapped if you so choose.

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Abbot’s Ghost, or Maurice Treherne’s Temptation – A Christmas Story, The
Louisa May Alcott
Admirable Crichton
J. M. Barrie
Aesop for Children With pictures by Milo Winter, The
Aesop’s Fables
Age of Chivalry, The
Thomas Bulfinch
Age of Fable, The
Thomas Bulfinch
Agnes Grey
Anne Brontë
Alice Sit-By-The-Fire
J. M. Barrie
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll
Alexander’s Bridge
Willa Sibert Cather
American Fairy Tales
Frank L. Baum
Andersen’s Fairy Tales
Hans Christian Andersen
At the Earth’s Core
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Auld Licht Idyls
J. M. Barrie
Aunt Jane’s Nieces
Frank L. Baum
Aunt Jane’s Nieces Abroad
Frank L. Baum
Aunt Jane’s Nieces and Uncle John
Frank L. Baum
Aunt Jane’s Nieces at Millville
Frank L. Baum
Aunt Jane’s Nieces at Work
Frank L. Baum
Aunt Jane’s Nieces in Society
Frank L. Baum
Aunt Jane’s Nieces in the Red Cross
Frank L. Baum
Aunt Jane’s Nieces on Vacation
Frank L. Baum
Aunt Jane’s Nieces out West
Frank L. Baum
Aunt Jo’s Scrap-Bag
Louisa May Alcott



Better Dead
J. M. Barrie
Blot in the ‘Scutcheon, A
Robert Browning
Browning’s Shorter Poems
Robert Browning
Babylonian Legends of the Creation, The
E. A. Wallis Budge
Babylonian Story of the Deluge as Told by Assyrian Tablets from Nineveh, The
E. A. Wallis Budge
Beasts of Tarzan
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Book of the Dead, The
E. A. Wallis Budge
Bulfinch’s Mythology: the Age of Fable
Thomas Bulfinch


Compilation on Bahá’í Education
(Universal House of Justice)
Compilation on Peace
(Universal House of Justice)
Compilaton on Scholarship
(Universal House of Justice)
Compilaton on Women
(Universal House of Justice)
Copyright Basics
(United States)

Copyright Law of the United States of America and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code, Circular 92

Copyright Law of the United States of America: contained in Title 17 of the United States Code

Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol. I, The

Thomas Carlyle
Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol II, The
Thomas Carlyle



David Copperfield
Charles Dickens
Descent of Man, The
Charles Darwin
Dickory Cronke
Daniel Defoe
Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species, The
Charles Darwin
Doctor Marigold
Charles Dickens
Dombey and Son
Charles Dickens
Don Quixote
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Dr. Jonathan
Winston Churchill



Effects of Cross and Self Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom
Charles Darwin
Essay on the American contribution and the democratic idea, An
Winston Churchill
Essay Upon Projects, An
Daniel Defoe
Everybody’s Business Is Nobody’s Business
Daniel Defoe
Exploits of Brigadier Gerard, The
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, The
Charles Darwin



Far Country – Complete, A
Winston Churchill
Far Country – Vol. 01, A
Winston Churchill
Far Country – Vol. 02, A
Winston Churchill
Far Country – Vol. 03, A
Winston Churchill
Firm of Girdlestone, The
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Floral Fantasy in an Old English Garden, A
Walter Crane
Flower Fables
Mario Uchard
Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders, The
Daniel Defoe
French and Oriental Love in a Harem
Louisa May Alcott
Frog Prince and Other Stories, The
Walter Crane
From London to Land’s End and Two Letters from the “Journey through England by a Gentleman”
Daniel Defoe
Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, The
Daniel Defoe



Gambler, The
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
George Silverman’s Explanation
Charles Dickens
Going into Society
Charles Dickens
Great Expectations
Charles Dickens
Grand Inquisitor, The
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Great Boer War, The
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Great Shadow and Other Napoleonic Tales, The
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Green Flag, The
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle



Hard Times
Charles Dickens
Haunted Man and the Ghost’s Bargain, The
Charles Dickens
History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Complete, The
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Complete, The
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
History of Friedrich II of Prussia – Vol. 01
Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia – Vol. 02
Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia – Vol. 03
Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia – Vol. 04
Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia – Vol. 05
Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia – Vol. 06
Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia – Vol. 07
Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia – Vol. 08
Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia – Vol. 09
Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia – Vol. 10
Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia – Vol. 11
Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia – Vol. 12
Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia – Vol. 13
Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia – Vol. 14
Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia – Vol. 15
Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia – Vol. 16
Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia – Vol. 17
Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia – Vol. 18
Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia – Vol. 19
Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia – Vol. 20
Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia – Vol. 21
Thomas Carlyle
History of the Plague in London
Daniel Defoe
History of the Remarkable Life of John Sheppard Containing a Particular Account of His Many Robberies and Escapes, The
Daniel Defoe
Holiday Romance
Charles Dickens
Holly-Tree, The
Charles Dickens
Horse-Stealers and Other Stories, The
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
Hospital Sketches
Louisa May Alcott
House to Let, A
Charles Dickens
Hunted Down: the detective stories of Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens


Insectivorous Plants
Charles Darwin
Inside of the Cup – Complete, The
Winston Churchill
Inside of the Cup – Vol. 01, The
Winston Churchill
Inside of the Cup – Vol. 02, The
Winston Churchill
Inside of the Cup – Vol. 03, The
Winston Churchill
Inside of the Cup – Vol. 04, The
Winston Churchill
Inside of the Cup – Vol. 05, The
Winston Churchill
Inside of the Cup – Vol. 06, The
Winston Churchill
Inside of the Cup – Vol. 07, The
Winston Churchill
Inside of the Cup – Vol. 08, The
Winston Churchill
Introduction to the Study of Robert Browning’s Poetry, An
Robert Browning
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov