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CinnamonTeal Classics is about bringing back to life & making the good books accessible once again.
All those good old classics – those that seem to have disappeared from the shelves – can be read once more. Each copy made especially for you, personalized to gift someone if you so wish.
There will be five cover designs to choose from and each book can be ordered simply by emailing us. The books will be delivered to your doorstep, gift wrapped if you so choose.
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Naidu, Sarojini
Quayle, William A. (William Alfred)
- Hero and Some Other Folks, A
Quennell, C. H. B. (Charles Henry Bourne)
- Bell’s Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Norwich – A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Episcopal See
Quick, Herbert
- Aladdin & Co. – A Romance of Yankee Magic
- Double Trouble – Or, Every Hero His Own Villain
- Vandemark’s Folly
Quigley, Dorothy
- What Dress Makes of Us
Quigley, Edward J.
- Divine Office, The
Quiller-Couch, Arthur Thomas, Sir
- Adventures in Criticism
- Adventures of Harry Revel, The
- Astonishing History of Troy Town, The
- Blue Pavilions, The
- Brother Copas
- Bulchevy’s Book of English Verse (as Editor)
- Corporal Sam and Other Stories
- Dead Man’s Rock
- Delectable Duchy, The
- Foe-Farrell
- Fort Amity
- Hetty Wesley
- Hocken and Hunken
- I Saw Three Ships and Other Winter Tales
- Lady Good-for-Nothing
- Laird’s Luck and Other Fireside Tales, The
- Major Vigoureux
- Mayor of Troy, The
- News from the Duchy
- Noughts and Crosses – Stories, Studies and Sketches
- Old Fires and Profitable Ghosts
- On The Art of Reading
- On the Art of Writing – Lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge 1913-1914
- Poetry
- Poison Island
- The Roll-Call Of The Reef
- Shining Ferry
- Ship of Stars, The
- Sir John Constantine – Memoirs of His Adventures At Home and Abroad and Particularly in the Island of Corsica: Beginning with the Year 1756
- Splendid Spur, The
- True Tilda
- Two Sides of the Face – Midwinter Tales
- Vigil of Venus and Other Poems by “Q”, The
- Wandering Heath
- Westcotes, The
- White Wolf and Other Fireside Tales, The
Quiller-Couch, Mabel
- Dick and Brownie
- Kitty Trenire
- Story of Jessie, The
Quinby, Moses
- Mysteries of Bee-keeping Explained
Quintus, Smyrnaeus
- Fall of Troy, The
Naidu, Sarojini
Rabb, Kate Milner
- National Epics
Rackham, Arthur (as Illustrator)
- Aesop’s Fables – a new translation
- Christmas Carol, A
- English Fairy Tales
- Sleeping Beauty, The
- Tales from Shakespeare
Radford, Maude L.
- King Arthur and His Knights
Radin, Paul
- Legends of the Jews – Vol. 3 (as Translator), The
- Legends of the Jews – Vol. 4 (as Translator), The
Raleigh, Walter Alexander, Sir
- England and the War
- Milton
- Robert Louis Stevenson
- Romance – Two Lectures
- Style
Richardson, Frederick
- Mother Goose – The Original Volland Edition (as Illustrator)
Rickards, Robert
- India, Or, Facts Submitted to Illustrate the Character and Condition of the Native Inhabitants (pub. 1832)
Roberts, Frederick Sleigh
- Forty-one years in India – From Subaltern To Commander-In-Chief
Robertson, William
- Historical Disquisition Concerning the Knowledge Which The Ancients Had of India; And The Progress of Trade With That Country Prior to the Discovery of the Passage to It by the Cape of Good Hope, An (pub. 1822)
Russell, Bertrand
- Analysis of Mind, The
- Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays
- Political Ideals
- Practice and Theory of Bolshevism, The
- Problem of China, The
- Problems of Philosophy, The
- Proposed Roads to Freedom
Naidu, Sarojini
Sabatier, Paul
- Life of St. Francis of Assisi
Scott, John Reed
- Beatrix of Clare
- Cab of the Sleeping Horse, The
- Colonel of the Red Huzzars, The
Scott, Walter, Sir
- Abbot, The
- Antiquary – Complete, The
- Antiquary – Vol. 1, The
- Antiquary – Vol. 2, The
- Betrothed, The
- Black Dwarf, The
- Bride of Lammermoor, The
- Chronicles of the Canongate
- Fair Maid of Perth – St. Valentine’s Day, The
- Fortunes of Nigel, The
- Guy Mannering – Complete
- Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer – Complete
- Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer – Vol. 1
- Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer – Vol. 2
- Heart of Mid-Lothian – Complete, The
- Heart of Mid-Lothian – Vol. 1, The
- Heart of Mid-Lothian – Vol. 2, The
- Ivanhoe
- Kenilworth
- Lady of the Lake, The
- Legend of Montrose, A
- Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
- Marmion
- Monastery, The
- My Aunt Margaret’s Mirror
- Old Mortality – Complete
- Old Mortality – Vol. 1
- Old Mortality – Vol. 2
- Peveril of the Peak
- Quentin Durward
- Rob Roy – Complete
- Rob Roy – Vol. 1
- Rob Roy – Vol. 2
- Some Poems
- St. Ronan’s Well
- Surgeon’s Daughter, The
- Talisman, The
- Tapestried Chamber, The
Scott, John Reed
- Black Beauty
- Black Beauty – The Autobiography of a Horse
- Black Beauty, Young Folks’ Edition
Shakespeare, William
- All’s Well That Ends Well
- Antony and Cleopatra
- As You Like It
- Comedy of Errors, The
- Complete Works of William Shakespeare, The
- Coriolanus, The
- Cymbeline, The
- Hamlet, The
- Henry IV Part 1
- Henry IV Part 2
- Henry V
- Henry VI Part 1
- Henry VI Part 2
- Henry VI Part 3
- Henry VIII
- History of Troilus and Cressida
- Julius Caesar
- King John
- King Lear
- King Richard II
- King Richard III
- Life of Timon of Athens, The
- Lover’s Complaint, A
- Love’s Labour’s Lost
- Macbeth
- Measure for Measure
- Merchant of Venice, The
- Merry Wives of Windsor, The
- Midsummer Night’s Dream, A
- Much Ado about Nothing
- Othello
- Passionate Pilgrim, The
- Pericles
- Phoenix and the Turtle, The
- Rape of Lucrece, The
- Romeo and Juliet
- Shakespeare’s Sonnets
- Taming of the Shrew, The
- Tempest, The
- Titus Andronicus
- Tragedy of Coriolanus, The
- Tragedy of Titus Andronicus, The
- Troilus and Cressida
- Twelfth Night
- Two Gentlemen of Verona
- Venus and Adonis
- Winter’s Tale, The
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft
- Frankenstein
- Last Man, The
- Mathilda
- Proserpine and Midas
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
- Adonais
- Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley – Complete, The
- Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley – Vol. 1, The
- Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley – Vol. 2, The
- Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley – Vol. 3, The
- Daemon of the World, The
- Defence of Poetry and Other Essays, A
- Peter Bell the Third
- Witch of Atlas, The
Smith, Adam
- An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
Spyri, Johanna
- Erick and Sally
- Gritli’s Children
- Heidi
- Maezli -A Story of the Swiss Valleys
Stevenson, Robert Louis
- Across the Plains
- Ballads
- Black Arrow, The
- Catriona
- Child’s Garden of Verses, A
- Christmas Sermon , A
- Cow, The
- Dynamiter, The
- Ebb-Tide, The
- Essays in the Art of Writing
- Essays of Robert Louis Stevenson
- Essays of Travel
- Fables
- Familiar Studies of Men and Books
- Father Damien, an Open Letter to the Reverend Dr. Hyde of Honolulu
- A Footnote to History – Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa
- An Inland Voyage
- Island Nights’ Entertainments
- Kidnapped
- Lay Morals
- Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson – Vol. 1
- Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson – Vol. 2
- Lock and Key Library, The
- Master of Ballantrae
- Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin
- Memories and Portraits
- Merry Men
- Moral Emblems
- New Arabian Nights
- New Poems
- Plays of William E. Henley and R.L. Stevenson
- Prince Otto, a Romance
- Sea Fogs, The
- Silverado Squatters, The
- Songs of Travel
- St. Ives, Being the Adventures of a French Prisoner in England
- Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The
- Tales and Fantasies
- Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes
- Treasure Island
- Underwoods
- Vailima Letters
- Vailima Prayers and Sabbath Morn
- Virginibus Puerisque and Other Papers
- Waif Woman, The
- Wrecker, The
- Wrong Box, The
Strang, Herbert
- In Clive’s Command – A Story of the Fight for India
Swift, Jonathan
- Battle of the Books and other Short Pieces, The
- Bickerstaff-Partridge Papers, The
- Gulliver’s Travels Into Several Remote Regions of the World
- Journal to Stella, The
- Modest Proposal, A
- Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Vol. 1, The
- Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Vol. 2, The
- Tale of a Tub, A