Traditional proofreading

The proofreader reads the proof (edited manuscript) and acts only as a quality check for spelling and grammar, making sure that the copy-editor has not missed something. He or she is not responsible for overall consistency and accuracy.

How It Works

Send us your manuscript by email or through utilities like

After receiving your corrected manuscript, use Microsoft Word to “accept” or “reject” the suggested changes, thus choosing whether or not to incorporate them into your final manuscript.

It is important that your manuscript is finalized and completed in all aspects before it is submitted for proof reading. Further changes to the manuscript may entail additional charges.

Manuscript Length Turnaround Time
Fewer than 10,000 words Within 1 week
10,000-75,000 words Within 2 weeks
More than 75,000 words Within 3 weeks

This is only a rough estimate. Actual turnaround times may vary depending upon the complexity of the subject matter covered in the manuscript and the time taken by the author to respond to the editor’s queries.

Guidelines for submitting the manuscript
The manuscript should be submitted in A4 size, with 1in. margin on all sides. The manuscript should be typed in Garamond 12 with a line spacing of “at least” 13.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: My book is not in English. Can you still provide this service?
A: Yes, we can. Contact us for more details.