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A Time To Burnish

A Time To Burnish

Rs. 350/-

“Not too long before we can get as many of them 3-D printed.”

That pretty much sums up Josh Winslow’s feelings about classic artifacts. As a man of science and technology, he couldn’t care less about old bronze idols. Unfortunately, his brother Tom has just made one such idol his problem.

Vidya Thyagarajan, a young banker from Chennai, didn’t expect to chase the origins of old idols either. But her friend Tom has just entangled her in one such chase.

Along with Vidya, Josh reluctantly embarks on a journey to India to track the origins of a Chola bronze idol. Through the urban maze of Chennai, dusty roads of small towns in deep Chola territory, they discover clues that confounds them every step of the way.

During a short span of a week, the quest quickly becomes personal as the shadow of the past challenges their outlook toward life and love.

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Expect the Unexpected

Expect the Unexpected

Rs. 180 /-

Welcome to the world of fear, betrayal and suspense…

In ‘The fear factor’, read to know what happens to Neha who is lost in the jungle on a dark, treacherous night, with a predator on her trail.

In ‘The Game’, four friends play Truth or Dare, until it takes a dangerous twist. Their quest for fun and adventure leads them to a night of dread and horror.

Who is the little boy who comes knocking at Maggie’s door on a cold night? Is it only a little boy or is it ‘Death Calling’?

In ‘Strangers’, Richard knocks at an unknown house to escape the fury of a storm blowing outside, unaware of the silent storm brewing inside that could change his life forever.

In ‘The Truth’, Joseph witnesses a girl falling to her death. After a few months, he sees her again. Was she for real or was his mind playing games with him?

These and other stories that will chill your spine…in ways unexpected!

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India And The West – The First Encounters [particularly in Goan Salcete]

India And The West – The First Encounters [particularly in Goan Salcete]

Rs. 299/-

This is the tale of a 16th century county [mahal], consisting of 66 villages, each palying its own part in the history of the region and feeding Goa. In the process it developed a good harbour, an emporium-port, early in its times, and helped Goa establish trade contacts with East and West, which brought glazed ceramics and silks from distant Cathay, exotic Port wine from Europe to quench the lips of an Indian sadhu, printed a Marathi-Konkani classic book Crista Purana, for literature-thirsty people, helped miscegenation of Westerners with Indians, provided neighbouring kingdoms with secretaries and finally brought a new art and architecture to commingle with the artistry of the region.

The Result: an intercontinental cross-culture.

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India’s National Security in the Liberal Lens

India’s National Security in the Liberal Lens

Rs. 499/-

Ali Ahmed continues his engagement with the themes of his previous two books, On War in South Asia and On Peace in South Asia (both CinnamonTeal 2014), specifically on issues related to India’s strategic, military and nuclear doctrines. He takes his discussion of a Limited Nuclear War, broached in his book India’s Doctrine Puzzle: Limiting War in South Asia (Routledge 2014) further.

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South Asia in it Together

South Asia in it Together

Rs. 520/-

The book comprises of commentaries by Firdaus Ahmed over the last few years. These articles, which largely deal with South Asian security issues, have appeared throughout 2014-15 in various respected publications such as, Kashmir Times and the Milli Gazette.

Collectively they make the case that South Asia is ‘one’ and should come to be seen as such. The security of its states and people is intertwined. South Asian states should move towards a South Asian union. The articles make this case obliquely in covering issues in Indian security, and point to how these overlap borders. Some themes dealt with in the book – India-Pakistan relations, Kashmir, India’s Muslims and the rise of religious extremism – clearly show that most problems lend themselves only to a South Asian, rather than national, solution.

The book continues engaging with the issues addressed in Firdaus Ahmed’s two earlier books, Think South Asia and Subcontinental Musings (both CinnamonTeal 2014).

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Perspectives- An Anthology of Telugu Short Stories

Perspectives- An Anthology of Telugu Short Stories

Rs. 225/-

The choice of writers, the themes and the styles represented in this volume tell us something about Srinivas Rayaprol himself, about the mind of the creative writer-cum-translator at work. The selected texts cover a range of themes concerning man-woman relationships, women’s desires, the plight of single women, the functioning of bureaucrats and politicians, among others. One cannot miss out on the preoccupation with death in many stories, nor can one ignore the ironic twist in the conclusions of some of them. The choices also seem to suggest an inclination for the unusual, rather than run-of-the-mill stories, both in terms of theme and style. The final selection of the stories seems to be purely personal. The order in which the stories have been presented too seems unique, for it defies chronology.

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A Midnight Sin

A Midnight Sin

Rs. 299/-
Author: Deeksha Pandey
Genre: Fiction
Tags: Love, Romance

A modern girl with traditional conscience, Shayna is happily married to the loving, caring and picture perfect owner of a high-flying business empire. Her life is torn apart when she realizes her dark secret holds the only cure for her first love. Would she give up everything to see him walk again?

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The Untaught Science of Skill Building – Out of Syllabus

The Untaught Science of Skill Building – Out of Syllabus

Rs. 250/-

It’s a hardcore and sad fact that more than one-third of the millions that graduate in our country each year are unemployable. A survey across the country has found a majority of graduates lacked adequate “soft skills” to be employed in the industry. Lack of communication skills lands Indian students in low paid jobs.

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Frailties of the Heart

Frailties of the Heart

Rs. 980/-
Author: Shruti Swaminathan
Genre: Fiction

Every one of us has a frailty or a problem. But how do we tackle it? Do we fight it or do we just let it dominate us?

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Being Stupid

Being Stupid

Rs. 370/-
Author: Raunak Phade
Genre: Fiction

At the beginning of his engineering education, Rishi is faced with a difficult choice. Should he opt for the stream that he is passionate about? Or, should he do the supposedly sensible thing and choose the branch that has the most job opportunities?

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