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Fiction and Literature

The Devil’s Epitaph

The Devil’s Epitaph

A boy from Baroda had escaped a few years ago after being acquitted of some heinous crimes. He returns to the same city after achieving so called redemption from the debts of the past. The book is his narration of flashbacks, the arrival of new people in his life, their stories, his dark secrets of the past and things which occurred to him in between his escape and return. He offers his stories and answers to the questions related to his past..... But, Does everyone deserve a second chance? Was he guilty? Can people handle the truth he carries? or is it best if kept hidden?

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Two men embark on life taking parallel roads. One is the defender of his country and the other is a secessionist. One wages a war against the state while the other is embattled in his own house. The book brings out a sensitive portrayal of their inner selves in the backdrop of vibrant and dynamic India. They meander their way through traditional society, inhibited desires and malevolent politics. In a land of limited resources the pressure is on to succeed causing many to get lost in the rat race, while the soul longs for the simple joys of life. The two men are joined by two women who are as keen to find their place under the sun. One of the two women acknowledges the value of love and lets it soak her personality, while the other uses it for personal aggrandizement. One loses her man in the process of domestication of her husband and wrong notions of fidelity. The other encourages her husband to shine. A beautiful love story unfolds before one, while the other looks askew at the possibility of a perfect bliss. Life draws them together, offers endless possibilities and, all are ready to take it headlong. The plot races at breakneck speed and introspection is not a pause but is an ever present phenomenon within their conscience.

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Boarding School Buddies – Bizzare Escapades

Boarding School Buddies – Bizzare Escapades

The Buddies, as they call themselves, are four adolescent boarding school boys. Though different in character and background, connect as they are also neighbors in their home town. Typical of their age group, they are not influenced by their parent's prejudices. Their common curiosity and penchant for mischief leads them into a series of bizarre incidents involving a black magician, a cannibal, a smoking skeleton, cemeteries and such. Each encounter, scary at first, often takes unexpected paths and ends up in reality to be comical. The buddies remain unharmed throughout and ready for their next escapade.

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Kieran (Dark and Melancholic Poetry)

Kieran (Dark and Melancholic Poetry)

"While I choose to believe that we all have a dark side which is mostly the dominant one if left unattended, I also know for a fact that this side is only frequented in times of anger, depression and melancholy but there is something bigger, stronger and calmer. If you shed the clothes that become your skin and look deep within you, amidst the darkness there is a beating heart, there is bleak light there is hope!"

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Tales from the Garden City

Tales from the Garden City

Based broadly in Bangalore, the Tales from the Garden City tells everyday stories from the lives of ordinary folks. Most of the thirteen short stories in this collection have the backdrop of Bangalore; however they might as well be stories from any Indian city.

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Milestones in my Life

Milestones in my Life

An unique collection of poems,written over a period of many years! The journey of this book starts with a 12 year old girl's artistic expression of her universe and continues into her youth and then adulthood,reflecting the changes in her mindset as it winds on.

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Pestilence is all about 'moving on with life'. No one can claim a perfect life in every respect. We face numerous hardships-both physical and mental. Every one has his own share of strife and hiccups in life. But only when one lives to fight them back, one wins. Winning is, after all, as hard as losing!

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The Whistleblowers

The Whistleblowers

The Whistleblowers is a thriller centered on the issue of illegal constructions by a builder and the struggle of a finance company caught in the builder's duplicity.

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My Book Of Ambitions

My Book Of Ambitions

This is a story about four friends: Ram, Jignesh, Vicky and Krunal. They joined MBA to be the best, to become rich, to become powerful and to become efficient. While pursuing MBA, their life underwent so many dramatic changes, personal problems and lots of pleasant & unpleasant U-turns. But there were three remarkable things about them: All of them were true friends, they faced all challenges by standing next to each other and, most importantly, they loved their management specialization.
But...are these 3 things enough to overcome our real life problems? Is it possible for us to include larger mass in our ambitions without compromising with our personal goals? And, what is our offering to the society, management and entrepreneurship?

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The Burning

The Burning

The Burning is a rendition into English of selected poems from three anthologies of prize-winning poet Mohinder Pratap - Sphuling, Dhvaant and Dahan. Sphuling was awarded the First Best Prize of Hindi poetry by the government of Haryana and Dhvaant was adjudged to be a work of "Outstanding literary quality" by the Sahitya Akademi, Chandigarh. For the first time, These poems are being made accessible to readers of English via a luminous and creative rendition by author Sankrant Sanu.

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