The Self-Publishing Process:
The process followed at CinnamonTeal Publishing is explained below (please click on the infographic for a larger image).
After you have written your book, contact
us so we can suggest an optimum process that will reduce both time and costs. We could have given you a fixed cost to begin with but we believe we can help you save costs by choosing a process that works best specifically for your book. So email us at contactus@[] and let us help you arrive at a plan on how to proceed.
After we arrive at the costs and a tentative timeline, and you decide to proceed with us, we will send you an agreement to sign. After you sign the agreement, the publishing process will begin.
That means we will start working on the processes you have chosen for your book.
You pay only for these processes, and nothing more. Typically, an author opts to for
have the book edited, its
cover and
pages designed, copies printed (in bulk or
on-demand), and for the
marketing and
distribution of the book. Some authors also opt for
e-book development. CinnamonTeal offers readers the widest range of self-publishing services available in India, including
marketing support and
distribution in India and abroad.
Here is a full list of
pre- and
post-publishing services.
We also have a list of
FAQs to help you. If you still cannot find what you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us, using the contact form at the bottom of this page, or by email us at contactus@[].