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The Portuguese Impress : Glimpses of the Portuguese possessions of Goa, Bombay and Bassein

The Portuguese Impress : Glimpses of the Portuguese possessions of Goa, Bombay and Bassein

Rs. 450/-Rs. 405/-

What has engendered that subtle streak linking Goa to Bombay and Baçaim? Could that partial slant westward hark back to a somewhat shared past? Did it bring about that unique blend of East and West into the lifestyle of a miniscule section of Goa, Bombay and Baçaim?

Just a peep into these pages and you will see that trend again, and again... in simple folk with an equal zest for work and play, so diversely creative, yet revelling in song, dance and food, well aware of concern for a better tomorrow.

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Rogot ani Dusman (Devanagiri)

Rogot ani Dusman (Devanagiri)

Rs. 350/-
Genres: Fiction and Literature, Goa
Tag: Goa

Gõyant Purtuguez vosnnukvadi rajyachea kallant, ek tornatto Jovino Colaço pulis soldad zata. Taka soreacho, jugar khellpacho and Kamala, ek sobit kolvontacho mog asa. Tacho koddok mistis vhoddil Gaspar Dias taka Gõychea suttke zhuzariank sampddaunk xikoita. Ek rati, 1955 vorsant Maiachea mhoineant, Jovina borabor espikamni khellpi ixtt aplea mauxebhavak Santan Barreto haka haddtta, zo Purtugez serkaracher virudh asa. Jovino Santanak opman korta, punn to jugarant harta ani Santan tachi loz kaddtta.

Jovino Santanachea fattlean lagta ani xevttak taka sampddaita. Punn 1961 Dezembrant Bharotiy fouz Gõyant bhitor sorta ani Purtugez raj sompta. Santan bondkhonnintlean sutt’tta ani aplo sudd gheunk Jovinak sodunk lagta. Kuddichi, duddvanchi ani sot’techi axa Jovinak tengxier ubharta, punn svotontr zal’lea Gõyant to soklak apttota ani tachem nisontton zata.

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Rogot ani Dusman (Romi)

Rogot ani Dusman (Romi)

Rs. 350/-
Genres: Fiction and Literature, Goa
Tag: Goa

Gõyant Purtuguez vosnnukvadi rajyachea kallant, ek tornatto Jovino Colaço pulis soldad zata. Taka soreacho, jugar khellpacho and Kamala, ek sobit kolvontacho mog asa. Tacho koddok mistis vhoddil Gaspar Dias taka Gõychea suttke zhuzariank sampddaunk xikoita. Ek rati, 1955 vorsant Maiachea mhoineant, Jovina borabor espikamni khellpi ixtt aplea mauxebhavak Santan Barreto haka haddtta, zo Purtugez serkaracher virudh asa. Jovino Santanak opman korta, punn to jugarant harta ani Santan tachi loz kaddtta.

Jovino Santanachea fattlean lagta ani xevttak taka sampddaita. Punn 1961 Dezembrant Bharotiy fouz Gõyant bhitor sorta ani Purtugez raj sompta. Santan bondkhonnintlean sutt’tta ani aplo sudd gheunk Jovinak sodunk lagta. Kuddichi, duddvanchi ani sot’techi axa Jovinak tengxier ubharta, punn svotontr zal’lea Gõyant to soklak apttota ani tachem nisontton zata.

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Public History of Goa – Evolving Politics, Culture and Identity

Public History of Goa – Evolving Politics, Culture and Identity

Rs. 200/-

The Xavier Centre of Historical Research (XCHR) has arrived at its 100th public lecture in its flagship programme entitled History Hour. This volume captures the scholarly curiosity of its authors. The selected lectures illustrate diverse voices and perspectives on Goa.

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The Contribution of Valerian Cardinal Gracias to Society and Church

The Contribution of Valerian Cardinal Gracias to Society and Church

Rs. 250/-

This book is about the most eminent Indian churchman of modern times, who molded the Bombay diocese, the Indian Church and indeed the country so sharply that he verily transformed it.

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